lassical Christian education is unique in its mission to cultivate Christ-like students who positively impact the world for God. At Petra, our training develops young Christian men and women equipped to lead their families and the Church, to be the light and salt of the world.

Why do you offer tuition-free Classical Christian education?

At Petra, we believe that a Christ-centered education should be accessible to all families, regardless of income. By offering tuition-free education, we provide an affordable alternative to both free public schools and the typically high-cost Christian schools. Our goal is to ensure that every Christian family that desires a classical Christian education can afford it.

How does our tuition-free program works?

Our tuition-free program operates through a volunteer system. When qualified parents volunteer their time as instructors at Petra, they earn reductions in their child's tuition based on the hours they volunteer, potentially covering the full tuition fee.

How do I qualify?

To be an instructor at Petra, you must go through the same hiring process and meet the same qualifications as any other hired teacher.

Who can qualify as a teacher?

Parents, grandparents, or older siblings of the student can qualify as teachers if they meet the training, education, or professional development standards required to teach the subject they are applying for.

How many hours do I need to volunteer each week as an instructor to get free tuition for my student?

Number of StudentsVolunteer Instructor Hours Per Week
1 Student6 hrs/week
2 Students11 hrs/week
3 Students15 hrs/week
4 Students18 hrs/week
5 Students19 hrs/week

What if I do not have teaching qualifications?

If you do not qualify to be an instructor at Petra, you can still accumulate tuition reduction credit by volunteering to help at the school. The following chart shows the number of hours you need to volunteer to get free tuition for your students:

Number of StudentsVolunteer Parent Hours Per Week
1 Student10 hrs/week
2 Students18 hrs/week
3 Students25 hrs/week
4 Students28 hrs/week
5 Students30 hrs/week

What if I can only volunteer for fewer hours?

You will receive partial credit toward your tuition. Each teaching hour reduces tuition by $24, and each volunteer hour reduces tuition by $15.

Are teaching spots limited?

Yes. If all instructor positions are filled, you will be placed on a waiting list. You can still earn tuition reductions by being a substitute instructor or volunteering in other capacities.

What is the advantage of a parent volunteer-based model of education over traditional Christian education?

A parent volunteer-based model allows parents to be actively involved in their children's education, fostering closer and more fruitful relationships between parents and students.

Why is Classical Christian Education Effective?

First, it is based on what has been called the Trivium. No matter how your child learns, he or she goes through three phases in their natural development that is simulated in the Trivium. In grades K-6, students are excellent at memorizing. In grades 7-8, students become more argument-oriented. They are ready to be taught logic and critical thinking. In grades 9-12, students become independent thinkers and communicators mainly concerned with their appearance to others. To this end, classical education teaches them rhetoric, the art of speaking, communication, and writing.

Student Statistics

On average classical Christian school students score 25 percentile points higher than the average college-bound student in Idaho on college entrance exams. They typically exceed the number of National Merit scholars from local high schools that have 25 times the number of graduates. Students in K-8 test favorably when compared against the best dependent and preparatory schools in the nation. The graduates excel at some of the finest universities in the country including West Point, Notre Dame, Hillsdale College, and many of the best state universities.

However, the finest achievement is seen not in the test scores, but in the contributions, graduates make to those around them. Some are in the medical field: Others pursue law, science, engineering, or teaching. Most of the graduates possess the immeasurable qualities of character and perspective that result in wisdom. Visit our school and see the difference.

Petra Christian Academy Difference:

K-12 Christ-Centered Classical Christian Education.  Besides the core curriculum of Math, Science, English, History, Music, and Art, PCA equips students with additional skills.

  • Grade K-12: Weekly Mathnasium sessions

  • Grade K-12: Russian Language Course

  • Grae 9-12: Dual Credit College Courses (Optional)

  • Grade K-12: Monthly Foundation In Genesis lectures

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