Best Christian Boise Private School with Christ-Centered Curriculum

For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world,
and lose himself, or be cast away? Luke 9:25

A Boise Private School

At our private Christian school, it is our fervent desire that our students receive an education that is immersed in the Scriptures and, in doing so, develop a personal relationship with Jesus. With small class sizes and Christian teachers, we strive to maintain the most excellent Christian Classical education.  We study God as the source of all knowledge – thus we deliver the most excellent Christian Classical education in Boise, Idaho.

A few examples of the manner in which our students learn to walk with Christ involve:

  • Daily Bible study and Scripture memorization
  • Class discussions pertaining to faith and world views
  • Ministering to the elderly
  • Ministering to disadvantaged children

With that in mind, our pupils undergo a rigorous study of the Scriptures based on Summit Ministries Bible Program. We hope to prepare Petra Christian Academy graduates to serve as ambassadors of Christ in a variety of leadership positions around the world. Christian Classical education is a vital part of fulfilling our mission.

Petra Christian Academy Curriculum - Boise Private School


Math is one of the critical disciplines a student must master. With ever-advancing technology, students are facing a rapidly changing environment. Math will play a crucial role in their future success. The traditional methods of teaching math that relied primarily on memorization and abstract thinking have not worked as indicated by large numbers of US students falling behind the international standard. Petra Christian Academy is one of the few Boise private schools that offer Singapore math.

Singapore Math Difference

Singapore Math featured on NBC's Today Show

Petra Christian Academy uses the Singapore Math program. This method of learning helps students achieve incredible results as evidenced by Singapore's consistent top ranking on an international assessment of student math achievement called the Trends in International Mathematics and Science

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Singapore students ranked at the top for math scores, while the United States ranked eleventh.

While math teachers in public schools mostly relied on drilling and memorization of many concepts each year, Singapore math help students to truly master concepts. This method helps students to perform better because they understand the material on a deeper level; they are not just memorizing concepts for the test.

Singapore math relies heavily on visualization. While traditional American classrooms use a concrete- abstract approach forcing students to try and picture the problem in their head, Singapore math uses a pictorial approach, using model drawing to solve word problems by diagramming the elements of the word problem.

Private and Group Math Tutoring

We here at Petra Christian Academy stand strongly behind the Singapore math approach which is why Petra has become one of the first schools to ever partner with the nationwide tutoring program, Mathnasium. Mathnasium is your local math-only learning center that teaches students math in the way that it makes sense to them. Our partnership connects students to well experienced math tutors, both during school hours and off campus after hours, who utilize proprietary teaching materials and techniques to deliver a customized learning plan designed to address each student's needs. This instructional approach goes beyond the traditional tutoring to develop understanding and a love for math.


An Integral Part of the Classical education approach is equipping students with the ability to communicate clearly in both spoken and written formats. Shurley English is a program that implements a direct instruction model that allows students to attain confidence in their knowledge of grammar as well as their ability to communicate clearly. This approach recognizes the vast differences in the way students learn and addresses all types of learners with the intent of reaching every student in the journey to discovering their full potential.

This curriculum consists of a powerful combination of teaching models and research-proven teaching methods that allow for flexibility. Shurley's step-by-step process moves from simple concepts to progressively complex skills, allowing each student not only to learn but retain even the most challenging language arts skills.


Being the 8th most spoken language in the world and the 2nd most widespread language on the internet, Russian is a required course for grades K-10. Being the language of writers such as Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Gogol, Tolstoy, and Pushkin, students will learn to read these classics in their native language.

The Russian language also prepares students for a variety of future jobs in international business, politics, and ministry that might demand a thorough knowledge of the Russian language. Petra Christian Academy is the only Christian Boise private school that offers fully emersed Russian language courses.


In our pursuit of a well-rounded education for students at our Boise private school, we firmly believe that learning does not stop with textbooks. Our goal is for all students to be academically

prepared upon the completion of their educational journey and to present themselves with excellent social skills and to possess manners that reflect their Christian, Christ-centered upbringing. Through our etiquette curriculum, we ensure that students know how to behave in various social situations. Students are taught the importance of greeting others respectfully as well as giving up a seat for an elder and many more acts of chivalry that have long since been forgotten in modern society.

These timeless skills will allow our students to stand out and always present themselves with poise and dignity. As the students grow, so do the lessons of etiquette. Students go on to learn proper etiquette on social media, interviews, and the business world. Our goal is to provide students with a strong academic and spiritual foundation and to empower them to become useful and conscientious citizens.

Daily Reading

The daily reading at Petra Christian Academy is designed to instill a passion for reading in all students. Our teachers introduce students to great books that will make a positive impact on their lives.

From great classics to poetry and biographies about Christian missionaries, the daily reading program ensures that all students become exposed to many different genres. Students have a variety of books to choose from and are encouraged to read as often as they can. Reading promotes literacy and aids in all other subjects in the classroom. A student who has excellent comprehension skills will not struggle with math word problems or understand a history book. Reading also promotes creativity and fosters a young child's imagination. A student who grows to love reading becomes limitless in the pursuit of knowledge.

"It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give them something worth reading. Something that will stretch their imaginations-something that will help them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward people whose lives are quite different from their own."

Answers in Genesis Partnership

At Petra Christian Academy, we are proud to partner with Answers in Genesis, a FIGI non-profit organization. Through this collaboration, Petra students have the unique opportunity to engage with highly acclaimed Christian scientists from various fields who visit us monthly. This program enriches our students' educational experience by merging faith and science, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of both.

Topics Covered:

  1. Creation and Design
  2. Dinosaurs and the Bible
  3. Human Origins and Evolution
  4. Biblical Events and Interpretations
  5. Faith and Reason
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