The Little Red Hen

"The Little Red Hen" is a heartwarming tale that effortlessly weaves the virtues of hard work, commitment, and the divine principle of reaping what you sow. Reflecting the essence of Proverbs 12:11, "Those who work their land will have abundant food," the story follows the diligent Little Red Hen. Despite

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George Washington’s Breakfast

"George Washington's Breakfast" is a delightful journey into the daily life of America's first President, unveiling the simpler moments that often go unnoticed in the grand tapestry of history. Just as Jesus shared parables of daily life to convey deeper spiritual truths, this story illuminates the idea that God is

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If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution

"If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution" transports readers back to a pivotal moment in American history, allowing them to witness firsthand the creation of a document that would shape the destiny of a nation. As Proverbs 21:1 suggests, "The king's heart is in the hand of the

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Who Was Albert Einstein?

"Who Was Albert Einstein?" dives deep into the life and discoveries of one of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known. Albert Einstein, though a physicist by profession, often marveled at the universe's intricate design, echoing the sentiments of Romans 1:20, "For since the creation of the world

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A Weed Is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver

Aliki's "A Weed is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver" is a heartwarming tribute to the remarkable life of a man whose faith and scientific curiosity transformed the way we see the world. Born into challenging times, George Washington Carver's life journey is a testament to the biblical

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Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express

"Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express" takes readers on a thrilling journey through the untamed American West, capturing the adventures of young Buffalo Bill Cody as he bravely carries mail across dangerous terrains. As Buffalo Bill rides swiftly, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles, his story parallels the Biblical tale of

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Robert Fulton Boy Craftsman

"Robert Fulton Boy Craftsman" paints a vivid portrait of young Robert Fulton, emphasizing his innate passion for crafting and inventing. Set against the backdrop of a world on the cusp of industrial transformation, the book echoes the Christian tenet found in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have

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Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares

"Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares" delves deep into the curious mind of one of America's founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, showcasing his love for puzzles, numbers, and, most notably, magic squares. These unique mathematical arrangements, where numbers in each row, column, and diagonal sum up to the same total, become

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Who Was Leonardo da Vinci?

This engaging biography chronicles the remarkable life of Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian Renaissance artist and inventor. Though born out of wedlock in the mid-1400s, da Vinci went on to achieve greatness through his intelligence and hard work. He had insatiable curiosity and spent his life studying nature, anatomy,

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The Pilgrims’ First Thanksgiving

"The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving" paints a vivid picture of the brave souls who embarked on a journey across the vast Atlantic, seeking religious freedom and a new beginning in the New World. As the Pilgrims faced the challenges of an unfamiliar land, their unwavering faith in God became their guiding

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Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie

"Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie" is a heartening tale that tells the story of a young girl named Abbie who takes on the significant responsibility of tending to the lighthouse lights when her father is delayed from returning home. Set against the backdrop of a stormy sea, the narrative is

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The Beginner’s Bible

Karyn Henley's "The Beginner's Bible" is a beacon of light for young souls, presenting the timeless tales of the Bible in a manner that resonates deeply with children and teenagers. Crafted with love and reverence, this book serves as a gateway to understanding God's everlasting love, His covenants, and the

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Egermeier’s Bible Story Book

"Egermeier's Bible Story Book" is a captivating collection that brings the timeless tales of the Bible to life, tailored especially for young readers and teenagers. Crafted with care, this book interweaves foundational Christian stories from the Old and New Testaments, serving as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, and echoing the

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