“The Bears on Hemlock Mountain” by Alice Dalgliesh is a timeless tale that takes young readers on a thrilling journey of courage and faith, reminiscent of David’s bravery against Goliath in the Bible. The story follows Jonathan, a young boy who must cross Hemlock Mountain to fetch a large pot for his family, confronting his fears of the bears that are said to inhabit the mountain. Through Jonathan’s adventurous spirit and reliance on faith, children and teenagers are taught the Christian values of courage, trust in God’s protection, and the power of prayer in overcoming obstacles.
Alice Dalgliesh’s narrative captivates young hearts, guiding them through a landscape of challenges, where the power of faith becomes the guiding light in the darkness. “The Bears on Hemlock Mountain” teaches children and teenagers the significance of facing fears with a heart full of trust in God’s presence and promises. This enchanting tale is a celebration of bravery and faith, inspiring young readers to embrace the strength found in reliance on God, and to face the mountains in their lives with unwavering courage and trust in the Lord.

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- Little House in the Big Woods8
- The Tale of Three Trees8
- The Complete Tales of Winnie-The-Pooh8
- Little House on the Prairie7
- Wagon Wheels7
- Petunia7
- Make Way for Ducklings7
- The Big Snow7
- The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto7
- Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse7
- Doctor De Soto7
- Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie6
- The Tale of Peter Rabbit6
- Stone Soup6
- Swimmy6
- Norman the Doorman6
- One Morning in Maine6
- Oscar Otter6
- George Washington and the General's Dog6
- Dandelion6
- Miss Nelson Is Missing6
- When We Were Very Young6
- The Bears on Hemlock Mountain6
- Walter the Lazy Mouse5
- Wee Gillis5
- When The Wind Stops5
- The Story about Ping5
- Thy Friend, Obadiah5
- Time of Wonder5
- Owl at Home5
- Millions of Cats5
- Higglety Pigglety Pop!5
- I Like to Be Little5
- The Best-Loved Doll5
- Corduroy5
- The Biggest Bear5
- Horton Hatches the Egg5